
Apply for Online International Winter School on Wearable and Collaborative Robots Design

8 to 12 February 2021, the consortium of the international project WeCoRD (ITMO University, Ozyegin University - Turkey, UTwente - Netherlands, KU Leuven - Belgium, Ford Otosan - Turkey) is organizing a one-week Winter School "Hardware Design of Wearable and Collaborative Robots"  with examples from industry and healthcare applications.

The event will be held online. The school will host lectures and master classes by leading scientists of the consortium and invited experts from the academy and business from Italy, Switzerland, Ireland, Canada, and the United States, as well as project work in international teams in a hackathon format. Flyer and preliminary program of the event are attached.

Target audience - graduate students (Master and PhD) with robotics, control systems, sensorics, and industrial design background. Applications from senior bachelors can be considered as well.

The working language is English. Participation is free for ITMO students.

Applications will be accepted until January 31st with two options:
- full participation: lectures, master classes, and project work (hackathon- style, teams of 5-6 students from different universities will under use-cases suggest by the School industrial partner Ford-Otosan, winners will be selected and awarded)
- listener: attendance for 
lectures and master classes, but no guarantee for participation in project work.

Official attendance certificates will be provided to all participants, who will complete suggested after-lecture quizzes.

Candidates should send their CV and motivation letter with selected option (full/listener) in English to '' with the subject "WeCoRD Winter School".