
Have time to apply for the International Summer School on Robotics WeCoRD (online)

Have time to apply for the International Summer School on Robotics WeCoRD (online)

From July 12 to 16, 2021, the WeCoRD international project consortium (ITMO University, Ozyegin University - Turkey, UTwente - the Netherlands, KU Leuven - Belgium, Ford Otosan - Turkey) is holding a week-long Summer School on modeling, control, and designing wearable and collaborative robots as systems.

The event will be held in an online format. The School will host lectures and masterclasses by leading scientists and industry experts, and project work in international teams. The announcement and the preliminary program of the event are included in the attachment.

The target audience is master and Ph.D. students studying and working on robotics, control systems, and sensors. Applications from bachelors of the last courses can also be considered.

The language of the School is English.

Participation is free for ITMO students.

Applications for participation are accepted until June 25. You can participate in one of the following formats:

full participation: lectures and masterclasses, as well as group project work. The project work will be carried out in teams of 3-4 members from different universities throughout the School. As a result, solutions should be proposed that can be used in actual cases. Participants will be offered two tasks to choose from: 1) computer simulation and control in MATLAB of an exosuit with VSA (variable stiffness actuator); 2) force control of a collaborative manipulator using ROS/Gazebo.

listener: you will be able to listen to all the lectures and master classes of the invited speakers, but you are not guaranteed to participate in the project work.

According to the results of participation in the School, you will be issued certificates from the organizers. The best projects of the participants will be awarded by the School's industrial partner.

Participants will be provided with materials for preliminary preparation for lectures and models for mastering the software necessary to execute team projects.

If you wish to participate, please write a letter with the preferred participation option (full/listener) and send a CV and motivation letter in English to with the theme "WeCoRD Summer School."